Volume 12, Issue 4, October 2022

Role of Panchamruta Loha Guggulu in Galaganda (Review Article)

Author(s): Archana Pagad and Gazala Hussain
Abstract: Galaganda is a swelling which occurs of different sizes in kantha pradesha (neck region). It can be compared with Hypothyroidism because of similar symptoms like Shaitya, Gurutva (heaviness), Sopha (inflammation). Now a day’s it has become more prevailing condition because of sedentary lifestyle, stress and hormonal imbalance. Females are more affected than males (6:1 ratio). Treatment modalities in Ayurveda are in terms of Shodhana (Bio- purification), Raktamokshana (Blodd letting), Udgharshana, Bandhana, Kavalagraha (gargling with medicament liquid media), Lepa (anointment), Abhyanga (massage), Dhoomapana (medicated inhalation of fumes) and Rasayana (rejuvenation) have been mentioned. The Panchamruta loha guggulu is a formulation mentioned as Shamanoushadi in the treatment of Galaganda. The drugs present in the formulations have the properties of Shothahara (anti - inflammatory), Vedana sthapaka (analgesic) and Agnivardhaka (promotes digestive fire) which helps in Samprapti vighatana (breaking the pathogenesis).
PAGES: 114-117  |  38 VIEWS  89 DOWNLOADS

How To Cite this Article:

Archana Pagad and Gazala Hussain. Role of Panchamruta Loha Guggulu in Galaganda (Review Article). 2022; 12(4): 114-117.