IJPBS Welcomes you!
IJPBS-UGC Approved Journal (Click Here)
(Discountiued from the list 14.06.2019 onwards)
Important Notice**
UGC CARE NOTICE (About Our Journal)
"The International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IJPBS) is a scholarly publication UGC Approved Journal of best quality that focuses on the latest research and advancements in the fields of pharmacy and biological sciences. It serves as a platform for scientists, researchers, academicians, and professionals to share their original contributions, scientific discoveries, and innovative ideas."
International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IJPBS) (Int. J. Pharm. Biol. Sci.) Electronic- ISSN: 2230-7605 and print-ISSN: 2321-3272 (CODEN IJPBK3 Chemical Abstract Services (USA)) is a Peer-reviewed refereed Open Access International UGC Approved (Upto June 2019) of best quality devoted to the publication of Original research and Review papers From Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Biological Sciences.
Chemical Abstracts is a specialized database that indexes research articles and patents in the chemical and related sciences. The indexing of IJPBS in Chemical Abstracts indicates that the journal covers important topics related to pharmaceutical and biological sciences and has a high level of scientific rigor.
Google Scholar is a free search engine that indexes scholarly literature, including journal articles, theses, books, and conference proceedings. It provides a broad coverage of academic literature across different subject areas and is widely used by researchers to find relevant research publications. The inclusion of IJPBS in Google Scholar increases the visibility of the journal and facilitates access to its articles for researchers and scholars worldwide.
In conclusion, the listing of IJPBS in various subscription agencies indicates that the journal is recognized for its scientific rigor, quality of publications, and impact in the fields of pharmacy and biological sciences. This recognition makes IJPBS a valuable resource for researchers, scientists, and scholars in these fields who are looking for high-quality research publications.
We are using JP Journal Management System for peer review of Manuscripts in proper manner.
JP -JMS offers an easy-to-use online journal publishing and management platform that is designed for improved editorial management of scholarly journals. It also enables better accessibility to content. Our Online Journal Management System (JP-JMS) drastically reduces the broadcasting duration of research papers by managing the publishing cycle end-to-end.
You can submit your articles to hundreds of Manuscripts with ONE account.
User-friendly submission system. (Submit Manuscript)
Manuscript Peer-Review Process
JP-JMS–Manuscript Peer-Review Process is a set of services to allow you to run your journal efficiently. It includes two major aspects: journal pre-publication services and post-publication services. We provide a high level of flexibility, so you can select the services you need and integrate your existing workflow. Smooth flow of all publication functions of an editorial office on a single independent platform, no software or computer resource based only required web-based browser and internet connection.
Manuscript Peer-Review Process is the web-based manuscript submission and integration system, which is managed and operated by JP RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS and currently running 04 Journals with JPJMS.
JP-JMS integration and workflow are mentioned below:
- Journal User Management (JUS)
- Manuscript Submission System (MSS)
- Manuscript Peer-Review Process (JP-JMS)
- Journal Editorial Process (JEP)
- MHC and Invoicing Management (MHC Management)
- Integration with ORCID, PUBLONS, Researcher ID, Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar, etc......
International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IJPBS) publishes good quality articles in pharmacy and biological sciences. Applied and basic research communications related to the drug development and discovery are brought under one roof in the form of IJPBS. Your research is easily visible to the scientific community as the journal doesn’t charge for reading and downloading the articles. The articles published in IJPBS are open access articles and are indexed in google scholar, which makes them easily discoverable. The wide scope of the journal helps the articles from one field like applied sciences to be read by the researchers in basic science and vice versa. Manuscripts that are being submitted to the journal undergo a double blind peer review process and our expert reviewers improve the article by critically commenting on the article’s scientific quality. Original research and review articles are published in IJPBS. Every article is given priority as IJPBS doesn’t distinguish from where the articles are being submitted if the article possesses originality.
What do authors gain
Authors will benefit from the open access nature of the journal content. For Indian researchers, this journal is listed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) as a reputed journal. The articles they publish in our journal are freely available on the journal website to anyone in the world for download. Articles under open access are most cited and the author’s reputation is increased with the number of citations. Find out more about publishing in IJPBS by navigating to Author Guidelines.

Pharmaceutical Sciences
PharmaceuticsNovel drug delivery systems
Analytical chemistry
Pharmacy practice
Polymer sciences
Biomaterial sciences
Medicinal chemistry
Natural chemistry
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
Pharmaceutical Biochemistry.
Organic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Pharmaceutical Technology
Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Anatomy and Physiology
Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoeconomics
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Biological Sciences
Cell biology
Allied Sciences
Molecular biology
Evolutionary Biology
Molecular Genetics
Plant Science
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